The size of the most beautiful species of anthurium

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How big does a flamingo flower get?

The size of a flamingo flower varies from 30 cm to 100 cm depending on the variety. The leaves reach lengths of up to 45 cm and widths of up to 25 cm, while the inflorescences consist of colorful bracts (4-15 cm) and cylindrical spadix (2-15 cm).

A flamingo flower will 30cm to 100cm large. The actual size of the tropical Araceae depends on the variety. Anthuriums reach these heights as a houseplant:

The leaves of a flamingo flower grow up to 45cm long and up to 25cm wide. Again, the leaf size is closely related to the Anthurium variety chosen. The following overview gives the average key data:

The inflorescence of a flamingo flower is composed of a colorful bract (Spathe) ranging in size from 4 cm to 15 cm and a cylindrical Pistons with a length of 2 cm to 15 cm. The bright red, pink, or cream-colored bracts of anthuriums are incorrectly called a flower. In fact, the true flowers of a flamingo flower sit on the spadix and are 2mm to 4mm in size.


Fertilize flamingo flowers all year round

regular Fertilize provides the necessary growth energy for a flamingo flower to reach its stately size. During the summer growth phase, add a liquid fertilizer with a high phosphorus content to the irrigation water weekly. From November to February fertilize you the anthurium every six to eight weeks. After repot pauses the nutrient supply for one month.

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