Pear tree leaves curl up

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Why do pear tree leaves curl up?

There can be various causes for curled pear tree leaves, which must be investigated before combating them. Perhaps the pear tree makes long-lasting heat to create and/or he suffers from lack of water. Curled leaves are also a symptom of an infestation pear pox mites, pear leaf suckers, pear aphids or pear leaf gall midges.

Are curled leaves dangerous for the tree?

No general statement can be made about how much curled up leaves will harm a pear tree. It depends on the cause, how resistant a specimen is and when and what countermeasures are taken. But in any case, curled leaves should be taken seriously.

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What are the causes of curled leaves?

On the one hand the causes in the living conditions, weather, Location and Care, to search. On the other hand, an infestation with some pests including curled leaves. This includes:

  • pear pox mite
  • pear leaf sucker
  • pear aphid
  • and pear leaf gall midge

What living conditions lead to curled leaves?

If a longer

heat and dry periods prevails, and/or the pear tree a location next to one heated wall it gets too warm for him and he has to evaporate a lot of water. Since the tree does not want to die of thirst, it reduces evaporation by curling up the leaves. This effect is intensified if the tree is not sufficiently watered when it is dry. Also Pear trees in tubs are more susceptible to drought.

Can pear tree leaves be rolled up again?

If the pear's leaves are curled up due to heat/drought, they will unroll as it gets cooler and the soil wetter. You cannot influence the weather and only a young pear tree can transplant. Your task is to water your pear tree frequently and extensively on such days. When leaves are curled up due to disease, there is no turning back as they are usually also ruffled and covered with various growths. Here it is important to ensure the further spread or take appropriate measures to prevent it from flaring up again in the following year. These can be different depending on the pest.


Check your pear tree bowing in spring

Many pests are easier to stop from spreading if the infestation is detected early. This is not that difficult, because they are either easily visible or leave other symptoms early on. Therefore, check your pear tree regularly for changes from the time they sprout until autumn.