Ants discovered in guinea pig pen? How to react!

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Why do ants nest in the guinea pig pen?

Ants are of certain leftovers or attracted to smaller insects in the guinea pig pen. If sweet feed residues such as fruit are left over and remain in the barn, the animals are attracted by their scent. Also urine residues, fermentation processes and the settlement of small insects such as maggots are attractive to ants. Factors like these can lead to not only individual ants getting lost in the guinea pig pen, but also the formation of ant streets. Even a few ants can be a signal that the barn needs cleaning.

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Can ants harm guinea pigs?

Especially young animals can have a lot of ants harmful become. Note that different ant species have different levels of aggressiveness towards guinea pigs, Rabbits, Chicken and similar animals. Especially young animals, whose fur is not really well developed, offer ants a target. If the ants act in swarms against the animals, problems such as the following can arise with more aggressive ant species:

  • skin irritation
  • Itching and consequent skin abrasions
  • allergic reaction

How do I fight ants in the guinea pig pen?

Clean Thoroughly clean the guinea pig pen and set one of the common ones home remedies against ants. These home remedies include:

  • baking powder use as a natural means of extermination
  • ants with Lemon peel or Cinammon hold
  • Dilute lavender oil or lemon oil with water and spray
  • Use vinegar against ants in the guinea pig pen
  • Ant trails with the help of lime interrupt

How do I prevent an ant infestation in the guinea pig pen?

Clean the steel regularly and leave no leftovers lie between the straw, which are attractive to the ants. If you feed the guinea pigs dry food, plants, vegetables and herbs, this food is rarely attractive to ants. Remove scent marks along existing ant trails. This is how you disorientate the animals. You can also Plant set up against ants next to the guinea pig pen. These include, for example:

  • lavender
  • thyme
  • marjoram
  • vermouth


Use natural pesticides

You should not set up ant bait in the guinea pig pen. Otherwise they pose too great a risk for the guinea pigs. These could bite the bait and poison themselves with the pollutant contained therein. Luckily there are enough gentle ones home remedies to the combat of ants that do not have this problem.