Wrap the trunk of the tree in jute

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How will a Tree trunk wrapped in jute?
It is best to wrap a tree trunk with a wide one Jute ribbon as trunk protection and a narrow one Jute strips as attachment. So that tree bark is optimally protected against frost damage and deer browsing, bandage the tree trunk overlapping from the base of the trunk to the base of the crown.

Why is a tree trunk wrapped in jute?

A tree trunk is wrapped with jute to cover the tree bark protection before frost damage and game browsing. Jute wraps are a breathable natural material and keep the bark intact. Even the smallest trunk injuries, such as stress cracks, are welcome entry points to conifers, ornamental and fruit trees for pests and pathogens.

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In the natural garden, jute fabric is valued as winter decoration. Jute strips are available in warm tones, from natural to dark green to burgundy. Winter protection fleece, reed mats and other trunk protection materials can be tastefully attached to the tree trunk with colorful jute ribbons.

What is the correct use of jute as trunk protection?

For the correct application of jute as trunk protection you need wide jute ribbon (100 mm, 60 mm, 50 mm) as wrap and narrow strips of jute (12 mm) as attachment. It's so easy to wrap a tree trunk with jute:

  1. Wrap jute ribbon twice around the base of the log and tie with jute strips.
  2. Wrap jute ribbon around the tree trunk up to the base of the crown.
  3. Knot the upper end of the wide jute ribbon with narrow jute strips on the trunk.
  4. Extra tip: a young fruit tree or planted out fig tree first wrap with jute fleece or reed mat and then with jute ribbons.


The right tree protection for every fruit tree

In addition to jute fabric, an extensive range of products offers the perfect tree protection in the home garden. A lime paint with tree whitener prevents stress cracks on fruit trees. With a reed mat, your avenue trees are vandal-proof against bark damage. You can protect young trees from nibbling deer and rabbits with trunk protection sleeves. The waist-high fence is a first-class trunk protection against razor-sharp cat claws chicken wire.(€17.00 at Amazon*)

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