Is gloxinia poisonous?

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Are gloxinias poisonous to cats?

Gloxinia is not generally toxic to cats, but large amounts can cause nausea and vomiting due to the chlorogenic acid it contains. Be sure to keep the plant away from cats and instead offer cat grass or toys to distract them.

Is Gloxinia Toxic to Cats?

Basically, the gloxinia non-toxic to cats. However, a complete all-clear cannot be given. The information center for poisoning at the University Hospital in Bonn points out that after the consumption of larger amounts may cause nausea and vomiting in humans and animals.

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The reason for the warning is a critical concentration of chlorogenic acid contained in the original species (Sinningia speciosa) and the varieties derived from it.

Growth retardants and fertilizers contaminate gloxinia - what to do?

Plant breeders treat gloxinias with chemical growth inhibitors for a promotional, compact appearance. Commercial planting in mineral-fertilized substrate makes things even more difficult. In good conscience, the gloxinia can no longer be rated as a cat-friendly houseplant. With this

immediate care fix the problem:

  • Repot gloxinia on the day of purchase.
  • Rinse substrate and leaves thoroughly.
  • Drain the ornamental plant on a wire rack.
  • Made from peat-free, organic biocactus soil, coconut fibers and lava granules(€14.00 at Amazon*) mix a cat-friendly substrate.
  • Plant Gloxinia over a drainage expanded clay and water.

How do I keep my cat away from gloxinias?

Boredom and lack of challenge are the most common causes when cats attack gloxinias or other indoor plants. It doesn't have to come to that. With simple diversionary maneuvers you can prevent your listless cat from nibbling on gloxinia:

  • Set up pots of cat grass in living rooms and on the balcony.
  • Offer cat toys, such as a fiddle board, stuffed balls, or clicker training.
  • Place gloxinia in decorative birdcage.
  • Put a cat net over the houseplant.
  • Plant gloxinia in the hanging basket and hang it from the ceiling.


Outdoor gloxinia is not poisonous

The outdoor Gloxinia (Incarvillea) is that hardy Counterpart to the frost-sensitive gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa). Botanically, the two ornamental plants are only distantly related. The only thing they have in common is their status as largely non-toxic flowering beauties. A low concentration of the alkaloid delavayin A has been detected in outdoor gloxinia causes similar side effects when consumed in large amounts as chlorogenic acid in gloxinia.