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When do I have to save the birch?

Most diseases and pests do not cause much damage. Take action when the birch shows withered leaves and flowers, it could be the dangerous disease anthracnose have. Black discharge on trunk is also an alarming signal for declining vitality.

What is anthracnose and what can I do about it?

Anthracnose is a through fungal pathogens triggered disease. Birch trees that grow in warm, humid regions are particularly affected. Effective means of combating this are currently not available. You only have a chance of saving your birch if you grab your scissors early. Cut they all affected shoots generous back.

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  • Diseased Birch Symptoms
  • birch drought
  • pests-birch
  • birch fungus
  • birch-age
  • birch roots
  • birch diseases
  • let-birch-die
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How to fight black discharge?

Black discharge is a relatively recent phenomenon the birch, for which there is neither a sufficient explanation nor an antidote. The discharge then dries up and forms a blackish crust. The vitality of the tree decreases more and more, parts of the crown die off. It is assumed that improved living conditions

can extend their lives. Avoid stress through dryness, by watering them regularly in dry summers. Lighten if necessary around the birch so that it gets more light.

When do I have to/may I fell a birch?

In Germany, trees, including birches, are protected by law. You may only chop down larger specimens after you have previously obtained the necessary permit have caught up with. Find out from the responsible office in your region which specific regulations apply. You will most likely become a severely diseased birch fell may.

  • weakened birch can die
  • there is a risk of overturning
  • there is a risk of personal injury


Get help from your local horticultural authority

For a layperson it can be hard to understand each birch disease to be diagnosed unequivocally. Experts are also in a better position to judge whether a birch tree is still secure or not. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to ask the responsible horticultural office for support.