Dogwood leaves curl

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Why do the leaves curl on the dogwood?

Dogwood leaves typically curl during the summer months, especially on newly planted specimens. This is a natural response to stress, causing the plant to reduce its leaf surface area to avoid sunburn and minimize moisture loss.

When do dogwood leaves curl?

Typically, the curl leavesfreshly planteddogwood during the summer months. If you have just planted the dogwood and it has not yet developed a large root system in place, the plant is responding to the challenges of the hot summer months. In the first three years, this reaction is quite natural. If the plant has been in one location for five years or longer, it usually no longer occurs. So just give the plant some time.

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Why do dogwood leaves curl?

By taking this measure, the plant ensures that the reduced leaf surface becomes. This is their way of responding to stress. In summer, by curling the leaves, the dogwood averts the risk of sunburn on the leaf surface. In addition, the plant no longer consumes as much moisture via the surface. This means that she can be more careful with the resources that are available to her at the moment.

Do curled leaves affect flowers and buds?

The blossomEducation leads to no impairment the natural growth of the plant. So if your dogwood reacts to sunny days with ruffled leaves, you don't have to worry about growth faltering or flowering as a result. If you have enough water at the Location taking care to prevent drought, but that's certainly not a mistake either.

How to check health on ruffled dogwood leaves?

If you take off some leaves of the dogwood, roll up and sight, you can check the health of the plant. It is normal for the leaf color of the curled leaves to be a little lighter. You should only worry if there is a pest in it, damaged areas or unusual discolouration on the leaf. Then one could Illness or a pest infestation.


A true beauty even without leaves

Many gardeners also plant the dogwood because of the beautifully colored bark. When the plant sheds its leaves in winter or when its color shows through curled leaves in summer, it looks very appealing.