Monstera leaves curl up

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Why Do Monstera Leaves Curl?

When Monstera leaves curl, it can be due to a lack of water, a recent move or repot, pest infestation, lack of light, or overfeeding. It is important to identify the cause and take appropriate action to save the plant.

Does the Monstera curl up its leaves due to lack of water?

The earth of monstera should always kept moist become. However, the plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Rainwater is better suited than calcareous tap water. If the soil dries out, it gets no water and the leaves curl up. Check the soil moisture, by sticking a finger a few centimeters into the ground. The top layer should be dry, deeper cool and moist. If this is not the case, you must immediately water the plant with an immersion bath and then drain it well.

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Does the Monstera not tolerate repotting or a change of location?

Became the monstera plant just recently repotted, this may be why it curls its leaves. For example, if the pot size is unsuitable, the plant will feel uncomfortable. In a pot that is too small, the roots do not have enough space and in a pot that is too large, waterlogging can form.

Or you have location changed and the plant first has to get used to the new light conditions.
Examine your plant closely, it may just need some time to get used to it.

Is Monstera curling its leaves due to pests?

Examine your plant carefully. May be on the leaves peststo find? Mealybug and spider mites remove a lot of water and important nutrients from the Monstera. As a result, the plant is undersupplied and rolls up its leaves. Fungus gnats can eat into the roots and damage them. If you discover an infestation, you must take appropriate countermeasures as quickly as possible.

Does the Monstera suffer from a lack of light?

One of the most common mistakes in caring for the Monstera is a spot that is too shady. The more light the plant receives, the larger the leaves it will grow. Depending on the type, the typical slits or holes form particularly bright. Sometimes the Monstera even tolerates shadier locations, but not too dark. If the Monstera gets too little light, the leaves turn to the nearest light source. This can also lead to the plant having no or very little new leaves trains.


Over-fertilization can also be the reason for the leaves curling up.

Maybe you meant too well with your plant. Does the Monstera get new ones when repotting? potting soil, it usually has enough nutrients for the next few weeks. If you promptly additionally fertilize, this can lead to an excess of nutrients. As a result, the leaves curl inwards. After a complete soil change, you only have to fertilize after eight weeks at the earliest.