This is how you take good care of them

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How to properly care for Anthurium aerial roots?

High humidity is important for caring for anthurium aerial roots. Spray the aerial roots regularly with lime-free water and ensure a humid location. Avoid cutting off healthy aerial roots as they help provide nutrients.

Do Anthurium aerial roots require special substrate?

The perfect substrate for anthuriums is a special, airy-permeable soil mixture, so that the numerous aerial roots do not suffocate. A coarse-grained consistency also prevents waterlogging, because excess water can run off quickly. Recommended Anthurium special substrates are orchid soil or a mix of peat-free houseplant soil, coconut soil and lava granules equal parts.

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Can I cut off aerial roots on an anthurium?

At a anthurium you can only dead Cut off aerial roots. Lifeless root strands are discolored brown, dried up or rotten-softened. Please do not cut off green and cream-colored healthy Anthurium aerial roots, because they make an important contribution to the supply of leaves, bracts and flower spikes.

Repot Anthurium in the overly long aerial roots

Anthuriums are semi-epiphytes (hemiepiphytes) whose aerial roots also thrive in soil. Instead of cutting off healthy, overly long root strands, you can use the flamingo flower repot in a larger pot, in which all the roots find space.

How do I properly care for the aerial roots of an anthurium?

Important for the proper care of aerial roots of an anthurium is one high humidity. In this regard, all tropical houseplants with aerial roots agree, how orchids or philodendrons. How to do it right:

  • Place flamingo flower in a bright, humid location, like this bathroom.
  • Spray aerial roots regularly with lime-free water.
  • Set up a humidifier.


Anthurium also thrives in water

Thanks to their numerous aerial roots, anthuriums thrive spectacularly in water-filled Glass. Simply pot an anthurium, rinse off all the soil and place the substrate-free root ball in a bulbous glass vase. Now fill in lime-free water until all roots are covered. For a hydroponic houseplant, care is limited to topping up, monthly Fertilize with liquid fertilizer and a water change every two weeks.