How long does a spruce fence last?
The durability of a spruce fence varies depending on the conditions: in moderate conditions it lasts 1-2 years per centimeter of material thickness, in good conditions at least 3-4 years. A longer durability can be achieved through constructive wood protection and impregnation with ecological wood preservatives.
Is spruce wood weatherproof?
No, Spruceis wood not particularly weatherproof and therefore quite sensitive. Both moisture and sunlight bother him. In addition, the conifer is susceptible to pests and insects fungus.
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In short, spruce is one of those types of wood that are not particularly resistant. However, this is also one of the main reasons why their wood is available relatively cheaply.
How long does a spruce fence last?
Due to the relatively low weather resistance, the durability of a fence made of untreated spruce wood is limited. However, how long a spruce fence actually remains in a reasonable condition depends to a large extent on the climatic conditions on site and the construction method.
- In moderate to poor conditions: 1-2 years per centimeter of material thickness
- With good conditions: at least 3-4 years per centimeter of material thickness
Note: These are purely empirical values. In individual cases, the shelf life may deviate from the information given, both upwards and downwards.
How can the durability of a spruce fence be increased?
The durability of a spruce fence can be increased in two ways:
- constructive wood protection
- wood preservatives
Constructive wood protection: If possible, build the fence in such a way that the spruce wood does not come into direct contact with the earth. The vertical slats should therefore better be made of weatherproof wood such as larch or douglas fir consist. Any slats to be mounted horizontally, on the other hand, can be made of spruce.
wood preservatives: If you want to build the fence entirely from inexpensive spruce wood, we recommend the Impregnation with an ecological wood preservative that ideally does not pollute the environment contains chemicals.
Various areas of application for a fence made of spruce wood
A fence made of spruce wood is versatile. It is usually used as a classic garden fence. However, it can also be used, for example, as a privacy screen in front of the terrace or as a fence in a paddock for horses.