Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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What do I do if there is a fire blight on the pear tree?

Report fire blight immediately to the responsible environmental agency. In the case of a light infestation, a deep pruning into the healthy wood can help. You must clear a heavily infested pear tree. Disinfect cutting tools with 70 percent alcohol. Clippings should be burned if possible, never composted.

What disease is fire blight?

Fireblight is one dangerous bacterial disease affecting rose plants. It is triggered by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, which can penetrate through flowers and respiratory openings on the underside of leaves. It spreads through the pathways, clogging them and blocking the supply of water and nutrients. Young trees die within a few weeks, while older trees can take years to die. Next to Apple, quince and cotoneaster the pear is one of the particularly susceptible host plants. Also Firethorn and hawthorn are frequently infested. Fire blight is notifiable in this country.

also read

  • pruning apple tree
  • pear-tree-black-leaves
  • pear tree diseases
  • hawthorn diseases
  • Pear tree brown leaves
  • photinia fire blight
  • pear tree pest
  • firethorn diseases
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How do I recognize fire blight on the pear tree?

Fire blight manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • leaves and flowers change color black-brown
  • there are mainly shoot tips affected
  • they begin to wither, droop
  • eventually go all the way in
  • Bacterial slime becomes visible (small plugs)
  • first milky white, later brownish

Only a laboratory test can provide final certainty as to whether it is actually fire blight.

How can I fight fire blight?

Check your pear tree regularly for symptoms of the disease when the flowering period begins. Cut Immediately remove individual affected shoots deep into the healthy wood return. Disinfect scissors and other cutting tools with 70 percent alcohol before and after use. Burn the infected clippings if you can. If not, discuss how to proceed with the responsible plant protection office. Under no circumstances should the clippings be composted. Carry out regular follow-up checks, also in the spring of the following year. A badly infested tree will most likely need to be cut down.

What promotes fire blight infection?

From spring to autumn there is an increased risk of infection. Temperature values ​​around 18 °C and a humidity by 70% favor the spread. An infestation with aphids and other suckers also contributes to the disease-like spread and infection of neighboring rose plants. Injuries to shoots and fruits are additional entry points for the bacterium.

How can fire blight be prevented?

In a private home garden can against fire blight barely be taken preventively. At least try sucking pests (carriers) to fight immediately. However, the best protection is to plant a less susceptible pear variety. For example 'Harrow Delight' or 'Champagne Roast Pear'.


Report any suspicious cases to the responsible office

Even if you are not quite sure whether your pear tree is actually suffering from fire blight, you should report your suspicion to the responsible environmental agency. This is especially important if you live in an orchard region, because fire blight can spread at breakneck speed, even with wind alone. It can lead to significant harvest losses or even destroy entire orchards.

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