Is the Christmas cactus poisonous? Information for children and pets

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Is the Christmas cactus poisonous

table of contents

  • Toxicity
  • 1. skin protection
  • 2. Flowers and leaves
  • 3. Location
  • Danger to animals and children
  • Symptoms of poisoning
  • First aid

Of the Christmas cactus, also known botanically as Schlumbergera, has a peculiar and therefore particularly decorative look. However, it is not only the sharp thorns that can be dangerous. Plant sap, flowers and leaves also pose a risk. This is especially true for animals with a low body weight, such as pets and children. If you do not want to do without the Christmas cactus, you should therefore take suitable precautionary measures.


Caution: slightly poisonous!

The Schlumbergera blooms in winter and is therefore often used as a colored room decoration in the cold season. However, the plant is slightly poisonous in all parts. For this reason, care should be taken in care and culture.
The following points should be taken into account and observed:

1. skin protection

If the plant is cut off or if parts have broken off, sap escapes. This can lead to skin irritation and a rash. Direct skin contact should therefore be avoided. When cutting or handling broken parts, latex or rubber gloves should therefore be worn. If plant sap does get on the skin, it must be rinsed off immediately and thoroughly with plenty of running water.

2. Flowers and leaves

Flowers wither and fall off, a leaf or leaf section can also be shed. In order to avoid direct contact with it and to reduce the risk of leaking sap, the parts should also be kept with protection. Cellulose, gloves or hand brooms and dustpan are ideal for this. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that any parts of the plant that have fallen off are removed quickly.

3. Location

A Christmas cactus in the entrance area or in a narrow space is extremely unfavorable. Because here it happens quickly that the plant is touched and something breaks off the plant. In addition, the Schlumbergera should be inaccessible to children and animals. An elevated location makes sense. However, falling flowers and leaves should also not be able to be picked up.

Caring for Christmas cactus, Schlumbergera properly

Danger to animals and children

Since the Christmas cactus is "only" slightly poisonous, it does not pose any great danger to adults. On the one hand, this is due to the amount of poison or its strength and the relation to body weight. On the other hand, it is also due to the fact that adults hardly put fallen leaves or flowers in their mouths, break off parts of plants without protection or even bite into leaves.
However, this can happen with small children or animals. The colorful flowers tempt you to grab them and can look like sweets to toddlers. When playing and romping around, the thick, fleshy leaves can break off quickly.

In addition, cats, dogs, but also birds, guinea pigs and rabbits can already have a taste. In order to maintain safety, the Christmas cactus should either not be in the household or be positioned out of the reach of animals and children.

Symptoms of poisoning

The symptoms of poisoning by the Christmas cactus depend on the one hand on the type of contact and on the other hand on the amount consumed. The following symptoms, among others, can occur when the skin comes into direct contact with the sap:

  • Rash
  • Burn
  • itching
  • Swelling
  • Redness

On the other hand, if the plant's poison is taken orally, the following symptoms, among others, can be expected:

  • Nausea and even vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • Stomach pain and abdominal cramps
  • dizziness
  • Circulatory problems
  • unsteady gait / staggering
  • Sore, irritation or redness on the lining of the mouth

A lethal dose is unlikely, however. However, it cannot be completely ruled out either. This is especially true for very small animals and toddlers.

Christmas cactus pink flower color

First aid

If, despite all caution, parts of the Christmas cactus are ingested or come into contact, the following first aid measures should be carried out in severe cases:

  • Call the Poison Control Center, the ambulance, or the vet
  • Specify the weight of the child or animal
  • Give plant names or describe the crop as well as possible
  • State the type of contact and the amount of plant ingested
  • Make victim drink water - unless otherwise advised by the poison control center
  • If possible, drive straight to the doctor or veterinarian or wait until the emergency doctors arrive. Do not panic.

It is also worth having the phone number of the responsible poison control center ready. Other emergency numbers and names of the plants can also lead to faster and more targeted treatment.

Note: Please note that this article does not in any way replace a visit to the doctor. There is no guarantee that medical statements are correct.
You will find detailed information on first aid in the event of poisoning and important information on poison control centers here.

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