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Why aren't my asters blooming?

In order for your asters to bloom profusely, you must pay attention to the correct location. If the plants are too dark or if the soil is too poor, they will not flower. Asters require regular care, such as watering, Fertilize and a cut back.

What should I watch out for with asters?

For asters you have to click the different claims of the respective kind regard. Most plants love a sunny location with medium nutrient content. However, there are also asters for light shade or semi-shady areas. Some asters prefer barren areas. Therefore, you should always pay attention to the type of asters you plant in the garden. In addition, she plays proper care an important role. Asters require moderately moist soil.

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  • when-autumn-asters-bloom
  • aster-buds-don't-open
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  • watering asters
  • Asters in the garden
  • When do asters bloom?
  • aster species
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Can diseases affect flowering?

The flowering of the asters can also through diseases to be endangered. Aster wilt is a dreaded fungal disease. At first the stems become limp as if the plants lack water. Then all the plants wither. Asters can also from

mildew be infested. If the leaves are severely damaged, the metabolism is reduced and there are no flowers.

How can I support the flowering of the asters?

When the asters on right place stand, you should review care. To promote flowering, the following measures are possible:

  • Water asters regularly
  • Depending on the variety, fertilize regularly
  • Divide plant every 5 years
  • Don't plant asters too close together
  • Cut plants regularly

If you then watch out for diseases and fight them in good time, you can enjoy rich flowering.


Do not buy unfamiliar asters

Asters are often offered without a precise description. Then it is difficult to find the right location. It is better to refrain from buying unfamiliar varieties. Many gardeners also buy their plants on exchanges or from friends. Then be sure to ask where the plant was located.

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