Black fungus on the birch

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What is that black fungus on the birch?

The black fungus on the birch will Schillerporling called, scientifically Inonotus obliquus. He is especially as Chaga mushroom known. It is a medicinal mushroom, which has many health-promoting ingredients and has been used for healing for centuries.

What ingredients does Chaga have?

It's over 200 different bioactive substances proven. Among other things, the following substances are contained in the Chaga mushroom:

  • betulinic acid
  • chrome
  • iron
  • flavonoids
  • germanium
  • melanin
  • polysaccharides
  • triterpenes

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It is probably not the individual substances that make the effect, but the combination.

What effect does Chaga have on the human organism?

Chaga, often written as Tschaga, is often referred to as the most powerful antioxidant in the world designated. It increases general vitality, but also has these properties, among others:

  • inhibits cancer growth, shrinks cancer cells
  • lowers high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar
  • activates the body's immune system
  • detoxifies the blood
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • reduces joint and bone problems
  • supports cardiovascular function
  • increases memory performance

How do I use Chaga correctly?

The hard mushroom releases its valuable ingredients best in hot water. Hence the tea making the easiest way to experience its healing and revitalizing effects. Chagateee is also available for purchase in Germany, but at a price of well over 100 euros per kilo it is not exactly cheap.

Are There Any Risks When Using Chaga?

There is enough practical experience of consuming this type of mushroom, because it has been used in Russia and other countries for centuries. until now are no negative side effects noticed. Drug interactions are also not known. Scientifically, however, the fungus has not yet been extensively researched, although initial studies confirm its positive effects.

Can I also collect the Chaga mushroom?

The chaga mushroom is also with us native. With luck or patience, you can Also in Germany at a birch discover. The Chaga looks like a growth on the trunk, which is strongly reminiscent of a charred area. However, there is one downer: It is claimed that this fungus has a high concentration of active ingredients, especially in the extreme cold, such as that prevails in Siberia.

Are there other useful birch mushrooms?

The birch often suffers from fungus, like white rot, or live in symbiosis with different fungi. It is important that they are unequivocally recognized when they are collected. A young birch polypore is edible, but is considered inedible. Other Fungi on the trunk of the birch or at their feet are fresh or dried edible, for example:

  • Common Birch Mushroom
  • hedgehog's mane
  • Judas ear
  • Maitake (vital mushroom)


Only buy chaga products with polar wild-collected mushrooms

Word has gotten around about the effects of the Chaga mushroom, which is why many products are available for purchase on the Internet. In order to really enjoy its healing powers, you should make sure that it was collected wild in polar regions. Farmed mushrooms aren't nearly as medicinal.