The best tips for harvesting

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When can you harvest figs?

Harvest time for figs is from July to September. Ripe figs have a soft purple or deep green skin. The most important prerequisite for a harvest on the fig tree is the cultivation of self-fertile fig varieties in a sunny, sheltered location with winter protection or as a container plant in the winter garden.

What needs to be done so that fruit ripens on the fig tree?

The best chance of a rich fig tree harvest is to grow one self-fertile fig variety in regions with mild winters, at the sheltered location and in conservatory. The fig (Ficus carica) is a warmth-loving mulberry plant (Moraceae) that grows in located in the Mediterranean region is. These are the essential criteria for you to harvest figs north of the Alps:

  • Cultivate fig tree as container plant in the conservatory or on the balcony with hibernation in frost-free winter quarters.
  • Outdoor fig plants on the sunny housewall with winter protection.
  • Important: Due to special fertilization only self-fertile fig varieties bear fruit in Germany.

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  • Fig tree fruits
  • Fig tree shoots
  • fig tree size
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When are figs ready to harvest?

It's harvest time on the fig tree July to September. Ripe figs have one purple or deep green shell that yields softly to the pressure test. Early fig varieties (summer figs) in the conservatory are often already ripe in June. Late fig varieties (autumn figs) give you juicy-sweet fruits well into October. On twice-bearing fig tree varieties (twotimer figs) you can harvest ripe fruit in summer and autumn.

How are figs harvested correctly?

Harvest figs correctly by separating ripe fruit snap off the stem. This practice ensures that you get the most from the fig tree during harvest time fruit wood not hurt. Summer figs and two-timer figs plant buds for the next harvest, while you are still picking the ripe fruits of this year's harvest on the fig tree.


Figs can be eaten with the skin on

Did you know that the shell of a fig edible is? Freshly harvested figs from your own cultivation or bought in organic quality taste best. Before eating, you should wash the fig and cleanby cutting off the stem. You can eat an intact fig skin, because many valuable vitamins and fibers are lost when you peel them.