Which tree trunk protection helps against cats?

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How do you protect one Tree trunk in front of cats?

Close-meshed rabbit wire, which is wrapped around the trunk, is recommended as tree trunk protection against cats. Alternatively, a defense belt with metal spikes can serve as a climbing stop, or thorny tendrils can be used as natural climbing protection on the tree trunk.

What helps as tree trunk protection against cats?

galvanized chicken wire(€17.00 at Amazon*) is the best Log Protection against sharp cat claws. Wrap the trunk with close-meshed rabbit wire. Connect the wire ends with floral wire or cable ties. With this wiry sheath, the tree trunk is henceforth uninteresting as a scratching post for cats.

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Does a defensive belt on the tree trunk protect against cats?

A defense belt on the tree trunk is on good climbing protection against cats hunting for prey nesting box.

What is a cat repellent belt?

A cat repellent belt is a ring-shaped construction with metal spikes. As climbing stop shall the belt on the tree-trunk be of cats

nesting box(€14.00 at Amazon*) or keep bird's nest away. The individual parts are put together to match the trunk diameter and placed around the tree trunk above head height. Plastic cover sleeves on the metal spikes protect against injuries. You can buy a Schwegler cat repellent belt from Amazon or at a hardware store for 20 euros.

Is there natural climbing protection on tree trunks against cats?

As a natural alternative to the metal defense belt, thorny tendrils proven very well as climbing protection against cats. The easiest way is to wrap thorn tendrils around the tree trunk. If you plant a tree trunk with thorn bushes, the one attached to it is birdhouse well protected from predatory cats. These plants are particularly defensive:

  • Hawthorn (Crataegus)
  • Barberry, sour thorn (Berberis vulgaris)
  • Wild rose, dog rose (Rosa canina)
  • Firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea)
  • Raspberry, Blackberry (Rubus)


Cat repellent belt also deters martens

As a climbing stop, a cat defense belt also counteracts martenwho want to boldly enter the house via a downpipe. For this purpose, ideally wrap several defense belts around the downpipe from a minimum height of 250 cm. In order for the marten defense to work effectively, also check your house for potential loopholes, which you close with wire mesh.