Mulch fig tree with bark mulch

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Can a fig tree tolerate bark mulch?

A fig tree gets along best with Pine Bark Mulch, thanks to a lower acidity and longer shelf life. Unlike pine bark, traditional bark mulch has adverse effects on a fig tree because it lowers soil pH and initially depletes important nutrients.

What soil is good for a fig tree?

A good soil for the fig tree in the garden is nutritious, clayey, calcareous and loosely permeable. A slightly acidic to neutral soil is advantageous for healthy, high-yield growth pH around 6.5. In the bucket the fig tree wants a high-quality potting soil based on compost with mineral additives, such as lava granules,(€14.00 at Amazon*) sand or expanded clay.

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Exclusion criteria for good fig tree soil are more compact clay soil, waterlogging, little or no lime content and an acidic pH value of less than 5.

Can you mulch fig tree soil with bark mulch?

For a fig tree, bark mulch is only conditionally suitable. bark mulch lowers the pH value in the soil into the acidic range and initially uses up many nutrients that the fig tree then lacks for growth and fruit formation.

Bark mulch is occasionally used to protect the soil from frost on the fig tree during the winter. In this case, the mulch layer should be removed in good time, as soon as the first fig tree leaves cast out

Fig tree mulch with limestone chippings

A recommended alternative to bark mulch on fig trees is limestone chippings for an extra portion of lime and a neutral pH value.

Which bark mulch is suitable for a fig tree?

A fig tree gets along best with mulch(€27.00 at Amazon*) out of pine bark. In contrast to conventional bark mulch made from pine or spruce bark, pine bark scores with these advantages:

  • Low acidity.
  • Less pollution from cadmium.
  • Minimal impact on pH.
  • Longer durability.
  • Pleasant, Mediterranean scent.
  • Decorative, orange-red color.

Pine bark also has disadvantages

A disadvantage is that pine bark mulch causes annoying weeds on the ground tree disc of a fig is less suppressed than classic bark mulch. The striking, orange-red color is often seen as a disruptive factor in natural gardens. The long transport route of pine mulch from the Mediterranean region is also of concern.


Fig tree neighbors don't like bark mulch

With its aversion to bark mulch, the fig tree (Ficus carica) is not an isolated case. Most Mediterranean sunbathers cannot tolerate bark mulch. This includes everyone good plant neighbors, which you can socialize with a fig tree, such as Mediterraneansnowball (Viburnum tinus), garden hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus), butterfly lilac (Buddleja davidii) and tulipmagnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana).

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