The best planting and care tips

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How do you properly grow aubergines in a raised bed?

Aubergines should be in the raised bed warm and sunny stand. Water them regularly and provide sufficient nutrients with an organic liquid fertilizer. Support the plant with a support stick due to the heavy fruit. Cabbage varieties and lettuce are good bed neighbors.

How do I plant eggplants in a raised bed?

Prepare the raised bed. The soil should be loose, permeable and rich in nutrients. Dig a planting hole and set she her Plant carefully as deep as before in the pot. If necessary, add fertilizer and top up with soil, gently pressing down around the plant. Water sufficiently.
Don't forget to support your plant, as some of the fruit can get very large and heavy. A buckling of the aubergine plant would result in the complete failure of the harvest.

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When and where is the best time to plant aubergines in a raised bed?

The aubergines from Asia are very sensitive to frost and should therefore only be planted after the

Ice Saints (approximately middle of May) can be planted outdoors or in raised beds. Before that, they should remain protected in the greenhouse or in the apartment. Ensure a planting distance of 60 to 100 centimeters (depending on the variety).
As a nightshade plant, aubergines need a lot of warmth and should therefore also be planted in a raised bed sunny and warm, protected Location stand.

What should you consider when growing eggplants in raised beds?

The aubergines, also known as eggplants, require a lot of energy for a rich harvest essential nutrients. Therefore, use a nutrient-rich soil. When planting, use mature compost or a suitable organic one vegetable fertilizer.(€16.00 at Amazon*)
Vote for that cultivationshort cultivars. In addition, these should be suitable for outdoor use, since there are also varieties that are less able to cope with the sometimes extreme weather.

How do I care for eggplants in raised beds for a rich harvest?

How to care for your aubergines in the raised bed:

  • Water your eggplants regularly. However, be sure to avoid waterlogging.
  • Water the plant from below to keep the leaves dry and to prevent diseases such as fungal infections in advance.
  • Fertilize them every two weeks.


These neighbors go best with the aubergines in the raised bed

Eggplants go particularly well with cabbages (cauliflower, broccoli) and salads (lettuce, lettuce). Under no circumstances should you plant other nightshade plants such as tomatoes, peppers or potatoes nearby, as this makes it easier for diseases and pests to spread. Plants that spread quickly, such as pumpkins or courgettes, should also not be planted next to aubergines in the raised bed, as they rob the aubergines of space and nutrients.