Is the begonia bee friendly?

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How bee friendly are begonias?

Begonias provide bees hardly any food. Even in begonia varieties with larger flowers, the insects hardly find any nectar or pollen. Although bees do not deliberately keep away from begonias, they cannot take good care of themselves from the flowers.

What do bees expect from balcony flowers?

Bees specifically seek out the flowers of plants nectar and pollen away. In urban areas, however, the planting that provides nectar and pollen has been declining for years. Both honey bees and wild bees are therefore happy about every garden planting and balcony flower that offers them food. When you plant bee-friendly flowers and provide a source of food for the animals, you make an important contribution to supporting the beneficial insects. They will also look for food on flowers like the begonia (Begonia).

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Do begonias provide food for bees?

The flowers of the begonia offer bees little food at. Thanks to its beautiful appearance, the begonia is a popular one

houseplant and it is also often used as a balcony plant in summer. However, this type of flower is not bee-friendly. If you do not want bees on your balcony, this can also be an advantage.

Are Double Begonias More Bee-Friendly?

Also begonias with double flowers are not bee friendly. The double inflorescences are highly cultivated flowers. In this case, however, appearances are deceptive. The larger flowers also don't promise much nectar or pollen for bees and other beneficial insects. If you such begonia varieties on the balcony put, your balcony will not be more bee-friendly.


Use bee-friendly accompanying plants

You don't have to do without the begonia completely if you want to make your garden or balcony bee-friendly. Use a bee-friendly companion planting with a nutritious bloom and avoid a floral one monoculture. If you have some suitable Balcony plants for insects sow, bees will be able to take care of you well. Individual begonias do not act as a deterrent to bees.

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