How to treat the fungus

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how do i fight mildew effective on asters?

To combat powdery mildew on asters, cut off infected parts of the plant generously, disinfect your pruning shears and dispose of the plant parts in the household waste. Then spray the asters with a mixture of 1 part whole milk and 8 parts water.

How do I recognize powdery mildew on asters?

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease affecting asters with a whitish coating covers. The first signs of an infestation appear on the upper side of the leaves. The fungus then spreads to stems and flowers.
The risk of infection for autumn asters is particularly high in sunny weather and drought. It often happens that the fungal disease occurs from one day to the next. Therefore belongs to care of asters the daily check so that you can detect mildew infestation at an early stage.

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What can I do to prevent powdery mildew on asters?

In the case of mildew infestation immediate action the most important action. Proceed as follows:

  • Cut off all infected parts of the plant generously.
  • Disinfect the secateurs after each cut so that they do not become a carrier of the fungal disease.
  • Do not hesitate to completely remove heavily infested plants.
  • Infected plants (parts) do not end up in the compost, but in the household waste.

After cutting, sprinkle the asters with a home remedies One part whole milk and eight parts water. Repeat the treatment after a few days.

How can I preventively protect asters from powdery mildew?

The best protection against powdery mildew on asters is in the bed or bucket one fungus-friendly climate to create. This includes measures such as:

  • Never let the soil dry out completely. Powdery mildew does not like moisture.
  • Do not plant asters too densely so that air can circulate between the perennials.
  • bed mulch.
  • Autumn and summer asters every three to five years split and plant in a new location.
  • Withered, older plants possibly sort out.
  • Autumn asters sparingly fertilize.
  • Water plants only in the root area - not over the leaves.


Rely on mildew-resistant varieties

To reduce the risk of infection with powdery mildew, it is advisable to aster varieties to put, which are less frequently attacked by fungus. In the case of cushion asters, for example, this is the “Zwergenhimmel” variety. Among the smooth-leaf asters, "autumn snow" is considered resistant to powdery mildew. Lovers of tawny asters, for example, should opt for the "Barr's Pink" variety.

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