This is how you provide it with nutrients

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How and when should you dogwood fertilize?
Fertilize They do best with horn meal or compost in spring and fall. In the bucket, fertilizing with liquid fertilizer monthly from March to August is recommended. It is particularly important to fertilize in the spring before the plant sprout, in order to support the growth phase.

What fertilizer do I use for dogwoods?

Fertilize dogwood best with horn meal or compost. You can also mineral complete fertilizer use from the garden trade. However, many gardeners do without this because the dogwood does not need all of the substances in this fertilizer. The plant is already doing well with the organic fertilizers.

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When should you fertilize dogwoods?

Fertilize free-growing dogwoods indoors spring and in Autumn. Above all, fertilizing in the spring before the plant sprout is important. By adding nutrients, you promote the beginning growth period of the plant. The fertilization also ensures that many leaves and blossoms grow and the dogwood has a decorative effect.

What variety of dogwood needs fertilizer?

Above all sour growingsorts you should fertilize. There are also dogwood varieties that grow on calcareous soil. Due to the nature of the soil, these varieties must be Location of the dogwood are usually less fertilized. Basically the Care of the dogwood however, quite simple for all varieties.

How do you fertilize dogwood in the bucket?

Fertilize the dogwood in the bucket of March to August. During this time, give the plant some liquid fertilizer once a month. In this way you ensure that the right amount of nutrients is present in the tub and that the root ball can take care of itself well from the substrate. If you fertilize your dogwood in the tub correctly, you will also get beautiful plants from this planting blossoms.


Attention poisonous plant!

Contains most varieties of dogwood toxins, which are found in some parts of the plant. You should consider this before planting the dogwood in the garden or keeping it on your patio.