Cranesbill on the balcony

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Is cranesbill suitable for the balcony?
Cranesbill is ideal for the balcony as it thrives in partially shaded to full sun and in window boxes(€34.00 at Amazon*) or tubs can grow. Choose the right cranesbill species for your balcony location and enjoy the long flowering period from May to September.

Is Cranesbill suitable for the balcony?

cranesbill, Latin Geranium, is very good suitable for the balcony. The plants usually thrive in partially shaded to full sun and therefore on most balconies. Cranesbill plants are usually flat-rooted. Balcony boxes and tubs with a capacity of 3 liters or more therefore offer sufficient space. The Plants are hardy. The long flowering period of the plants from May to September also makes the plants real flowering wonders on your balcony.

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  • Plant out cranesbill
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Which cranesbill species fit on the balcony?

The large selection of cranesbill species offers for each location on the balcony the appropriate plant.
For the penumbra on east or west balconies are suitable:

  • native forest cranesbill
  • small brown cranesbill
  • frugal mountain forest cranesbill.

For the sunny south-facing balcony, it is best to choose:

  • evergreen low gray cranesbill
  • small himalayan cranesbill
  • native meadow cranesbill.

The species meadow and forest cranesbill are up to 70 cm high. As a solitary plant in a bucket on the balcony, they enchant with their long flowering period.

How to care for cranesbill on the balcony?

Cranesbills are undemanding plantsthat little Care require. Plants are planted in tubs or window boxes in spring or autumn planted. Care must be taken to ensure that the water runs off well or that there is a drainage layer to prevent waterlogging. If the right location and the optimal composition of the substrate are chosen, only regular watering is necessary. Fertilize once a year in spring. Cut back cranesbill after flowering promotes a second full bloom.


Combine Cranesbill correctly for a colorful balcony box

Cranesbill can be combined very well with other plants to form a mixed flowering balcony box or insect garden. The undemanding and small blood-red cranesbill is suitable for this. Together with native perennials such as soapwort, catnip and yarrow you will get a flowery planting.

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