Basil with a bitter taste

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Why Does Basil Become Bitter?

if fresh harvested, otherwise very aromatic basil has taken on a bitter taste, this is usually due to the fact that the basil plant has already bloomed or at harvest timeblooms.

Can bitter-tasting basil still be eaten?

The bitter-tasting basil can with no problems be consumed - It is not poisonous and there are no health risks associated with consumption. However, it is so that the leaves of the not easy to nurturing kitchen herbs lose their typical taste and aroma after flowering, in addition to the increasing bitterness. The leaves are still suitable for seasoning Mediterranean dishes that are heated, but they should no longer be used for an Insalata Caprese (tomato-mozzarella) due to the bitter substances.

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How can the bitter taste be avoided?

In order to prevent the bitter taste of basil, it is important to keep the leaves harvest before flowering. Individual leaves should not be plucked off, but always the entire shoot tips cut off

become. If the entire harvest is not eaten fresh, the basil can do very well frozen and then used when needed.

Does Basil's Bitter Taste Disappear When Cooked?

By heating, for example, in a sauce, the Bitter substances dissolved in the basil. In this way, the actual, natural aroma of the herb comes to the fore again and the bitter taste fades into the background or disappears completely.

Can basil still taste bitter after drying?

Even if basil dried became, it can taste bitter. To avoid this, when heating dried basil, care should be taken that the temperature is not too high - if it is burnt, it tastes bitter. We recommend always adding both dried and fresh basil to the food just before the end of the cooking process. An exception are dishes such as pancakes or quiches - in combination with eggs, cheese or cream, the Mediterranean herb also tolerates higher temperatures.

Can basil still taste bitter in pesto?

basil can also taste bitter in the popular mixture with oil and parmesan. Before preparing a pesto from green or red basil, you should therefore try whether the herbs have a bitter aroma - if so, they are unsuitable for pesto. If the leaves do not taste bitter, the bitter taste of the finished pesto can be due to the oil.


Edible flowers

In addition to the leaves, the flowers of the basil can also be eaten. Their taste is always bitter and the aroma can definitely be reminiscent of grass. The flowers are suitable as an ingredient for colorful salads and also to decorate Mediterranean dishes.

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