The best tips and tricks against powdery mildew on the lawn

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how do i fight mildew on the lawn right?

To combat powdery mildew on the lawn, you should ensure sufficient sunlight and avoid chemical fungicides. Instead, you can use home remedies like milk or baking soda to effectively fight the fungus and restore greenery.

What is the right way to fight mildew on the lawn?

Unfortunately, the lawn is not always immune to mildew infestation and must therefore be treated quickly in an emergency. However, no chemically produced fungicides should be used. This will only stress the lawn even more. On the other hand, make sure that the lawn area enough sunlight is supplied. After all, shady and damp places serve as a breeding ground for powdery mildew. Instead of using chemical agents, you can simple home remedies such as milk or baking powder. These are great for fighting.

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What characteristics indicate powdery mildew in the lawn?

So that powdery mildew on the lawn can be recognized, it is worth taking a very close look. This is difficult to identify as such at the beginning of the infestation. arise initially

whitish spots on the blades of grass, which are reminiscent of cotton wool. As it spreads, the discoloration spreads to the entire blade and infects all neighboring blades of grass. If the infestation is already far advanced, a white coating forms. At this point, at the latest, countermeasures should be taken.

What measures protect the lawn from mildew infestation?

So that it doesn't even become one mildew infestation can come, the lawn should regular maintenance measures be subjected to. Therefore, mow your lawn down to about three centimeters so that the stalks get enough air and sunlight. Since powdery mildew feels particularly comfortable in a damp environment, care should also be taken to ensure that there is no waterlogging. So scarify your lawn from time to time to loosen up the soil. This ensures better aeration of the soil.

How does a lawn get infected with powdery mildew?

To the Causes of mildew infestation To be able to get to the bottom of the lawn, the circumstances should be examined more closely. Powdery mildew occurs mainly in humid and warm environments on. In addition, shady places promote the spread of the fungal disease. The lawn cannot dry sufficiently in shady places and thus offers the best conditions for mildew infestation.


A soil test can counteract many diseases

So that the lawn is protected from annoying diseases, it should be supplied with a sufficient supply of nutrients. A regular one is suitable for this Fertilize your green oasis. A soil test is recommended to select the ideal fertilizer. This gives you precise information about any deficiency or excess of nutrients.

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