Monstera does not get new leaves

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Why gets my monstera no new leaves?

If a Monstera is not growing new leaves, it may be due to a dormant period, insufficient light, improper watering, nutrient deficiencies, or pest infestation. Optimal care, sufficient light and nutrient supply promote the growth of new leaves.

How fast does a monstera usually grow?

Under optimal conditions and good Care a Monstera grows relatively quickly. A healthy plant forms approx a new leaf every four to six weeks. Since the leaves grow out of the leaf nodes, the number of leaf nodes also determines the number of new leaves. This means that an older plant with many leaf nodes will also develop more new leaves.
In addition, variegated species grow more slowly than green ones because they have less energy available due to less chlorophyll.

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Is the Monstera in a dormant phase?

In the autumn and winter months lays those too monstera one rest period a. In these times forms she clearly less or no new leaves out of. That is completely normal

and also important for the plant. You should water your plant less and not in the cold season fertilize, so as not to disturb their peace. It only becomes more active again in spring and summer and puts more energy into its growth.

What are the most common causes of no new monstera leaves?

If the Monstera does not form new leaves even in the spring and summer months, the following causes could be responsible:

  • The Monstera stands too dark and cannot muster sufficient energy to form new leaves.
  • The Monstera will unsatisfactorycast and dries up.
  • They have poured too much and the plant is in the water. This causes the roots to rot.
  • The plant gets insufficient nutrients. They should be every two weeks fertilize.
  • Also, check your plant pest infestation.

Which care favors a rich leaf growth of the Monstera?

Monstera are relatively easy-care houseplants. With a few additional care tips, it gets a particularly large number of leaves and shines in all its glory:

  • Give your plant at least six hours bright, indirect light for optimal photosynthesis.
  • Protection Keep your Monstera out of direct sunlight.
  • Avoid waterlogging.
  • take care of sufficient humidity (at least 65 percent) through air humidifiers, spraying and the like.
  • Clean shower or wipe the plant regularly. In this way, diseases and pests can be prevented.
  • curd you regularly into one bigger pot.


This is how the Monstera leaves get their typical slits.

Not all monstera species get slots. The best-known species is the Monstera Deliciosa. It takes about two years to form the first slits in its leaves. Smaller species make fewer slits than large ones. In addition, the Monstera must be particularly well cared for, needs ideal light conditions, warmth, sufficient water and nutrients.