How to properly prune your tree

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What can I do if the apple tree has grown too tall?

Through a taper cut can you do that Size of the apple tree to reduce and give it a nice shape. It is important not only to cut the height of the fruit tree, but also to thin out the crown and remove dead branches.

What happens if an apple tree is never pruned?

The tree developed one over time considerable height and a wide crown, however, their shape is usually not very appealing. The tree looks like this:

  • The skeletal shoots are heavily branched in the upper area and sink downwards.
  • Since the inside of the crown hardly gets any light, it wilts.
  • It becomes less and less vital fruit wood educated.
  • Dead branches can fungal diseases and spread pests.

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  • pruning apple tree
  • Winter pruning apple tree
  • Apple tree cut autumn
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How much can I prune an apple tree?

When it comes to the taper cut, it comes down to the Education of healthy fruit wood to promote and the wood a appealing shape and Size admit.

  • The best time for this measure is early spring.
  • Only use sharp tools that leave clean cuts. As a result, the wounds heal quickly.
  • Use the Pruning the apple tree on the original branch structure.

How is the apple tree that is too tall cut back?

Get one first overview about the scope of cutting measures and how strong you die Height of the apple tree want to reduce. If a lot has to be removed, you should spread the cutting measures over two years.

  • Remove competitive instincts.
  • Thin out the steep shoots and shorten the central shoot.
  • Redirect the overhanging "brooms" to a young shoot.
  • Cut off the old and too long fruit shoots and leave young fruit shoots instead.

Is it possible to keep an apple tree that is too tall small in the future?

Through regular cuts can you do that Height of the apple tree permanently regulate. Since the wood keeps sprouting at the intersections, the new growth is reduced in the following years and the increase in height is also reduced to a minimum.

These care measures may be carried out in summer, because the tree is not drifting quite as much at this point.


Prune old apple trees regularly

After the rejuvenation pruning, the apple tree is no longer as tall and the crown has a loose structure. The fruit quality is good and you can bring rich harvests. However, you now have to keep the fruit tree vital and in shape with maintenance cuts, which should be done every two to three years.