Mixed culture of basil and parsley

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Can you plant basil and parsley together?

You can use basil and parsley plant well together. They are therefore good neighbors in the herb bed or also in the tub on the balcony or in the pot on the windowsill, because they are the same Location and prefer soil.

Where do I plant basil and parsley together?

Basil and parsley can be planted together in any place that sufficiently warm and partially shaded to sunny is. That can be a practical raised bed but also the classic vegetable patch in the garden, a tub on the terrace or small pots in the kitchen. It is important to ensure there is enough sun, but to avoid extreme solar radiation around midday so that the herbs do not burn.

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Does mixing basil and parsley have any advantages?

The mixed culture of parsley and basil has the advantage that the herbs complement each other – and that despite the fact that both are not easy candidates as neighbors in bed or in the pot. Since both prefer the same location, they do not inhibit each other's growth. The same water requirement allows easy watering without having to pay attention to the different plants.

What demands do basil and parsley have on the soil?

Both basil and parsley require one nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. We recommend using a special herbal soil and regularly adding an organic liquid fertilizer fertilize. The two herbs are also very similar when it comes to water requirements: not too much and certainly not too little, always water from below and avoid waterlogging at all costs.

What temperatures do basil and parsley like?

appreciates basil as a Mediterranean culinary herb Temperatures of at least 15 °C, also warmer. And parsley, both the curly and the smooth variety, also feels most comfortable at these temperatures.

What other herbs go well with basil and parsley?

First of all, annual herbs such as basil and parsley are best kept to themselves and should not be cultivated mixed with perennial varieties. For example, basil and parsley go well in the herb bed rosemary, sage and chives very good. Also Savory, garden cress, oregano and chervil are good neighbors. Lemon balm and thyme, for example, are not suitable to be cultivated together with basil. And while lettuce goes well with basil, it does not go well with parsley.


Very suitable for drying

It is often the case that the harvest of basil and parsley cannot be eaten at the same time. To extend the shelf life, the herbs can easily be dried: simply in Hang clusters in a dry place, then chop and store in tightly closed containers store. The dried herbs are also ideal as a small gift or souvenir.