What Diseases Cause Leaf Curling?

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Why do the leaves of the hornbeam curl and how to treat them?

If the leaves of a hornbeam curl, it is usually an infestation with the hornbeam gall mite. They suck the leaves, causing the curling. To treat the infestation, affected branches should be cut off and discarded.

When do the leaves of the hornbeam curl?

Curled leaves on hornbeams indicate one pest infestation through the hornbeam gall mite there. The animals are with the bare Eye not visible. They hibernate on the Scroll. In the spring they suck them up easily. The sheet then thickens at the edges and curls up. As a result, the pest causes the corresponding damage. The special mite has specialized on the tree species. Especially if there are many hornbeams in a hedge, this can attract the animals.

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Can the infestation lead to other diseases?

Above all, the curled leaves have a severe effect aesthetically unattractive. These do not usually cause a life-threatening illness. Some plants can even recover from an infestation. However, it looks extremely ugly when the entire foliage curls. After all, the hornbeam is usually planted precisely for its beautiful leaves. Or she should as

Hedge form a reliable visual protection. These things are thwarted by the pest. This is one of the reasons why you should act quickly and consistently against the animals.

How do I treat a hornbeam with curled leaves?

Cut the affected branches consistently and dispose the clippings in a closed organic waste. This is how you prevent the pest on the hornbeam or elsewhere in your garden. In addition to hornbeams, the animals can also make life difficult for other plants. If the infestation is already particularly advanced, you can also use a chemical control agent from the garden trade. However, if you intervene early, this should not be necessary.

How do I prevent curled leaves?

Improve the supply of moisture through mulching of the location and Fertilize the plant in spring. By strengthening the tree's healthy growth, you improve its resistance to diseases and pests. If the soil is not too dry, pests do not have such an easy time. Use these materials to Fertilize:

  • compost
  • horn shavings


Avoid monocultures

It is best to make sure that there are other plants around the hornbeam. Pests such as the hornbeam gall mite prefer to attack garden areas with monocultures. When designing your garden, you can also prevent infestation and curling of the hornbeam leaves to a certain extent.