Fig tree has green fruits

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Why does a fig tree have green fruit?

A fig tree (Ficus carica) has green fruit because it is a green-skinned fig variety acts or the figs yet immature are. Green-skinned, ripe figs stay green. Unripe, green fruits on the fig tree are mostly reddish to blue-violet when fully ripe.

Are there fig varieties with green fruits?

There are numerous varieties of figs with green fruits, such as the early ripening one Summer Fig Desert King, the late ripening Autumn Fig Marseillaise and the twice-bearing Twotimer fig Ficcolini. In terms of taste, green-skinned figs are just as juicy and aromatic as purple fig varieties. Other tasty fig varieties with green fruits are:

  • Dottato: early harvest, yellow pulp.
  • Columbaro Bianco: green autumn fig with a pink, juicy-sweet aroma.
  • Filacciano: popular green-skinned fig variety for beds, balconies and conservatories.
  • Blanche Parfrenolles: green fig variety with white flesh from Provence for full sun housewall or the south balcony.

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When are green fruits ripe on the fig tree?

Am Feigenbaum in Germany harvest time from July to September. Green fruits on the fig tree are ripe when they are pressed lightly with a finger shell yields softly. Another indication of a ripe green fig is that the fruit hangs down on the stem. In contrast, unripe, green fruits are hard and point skyward.

What to do with green fruits on the fig tree?

You can ripe green fruit on the fig tree to harvest and with eat shell or use it for cooking according to taste. How you handle unripe green figs depends on a number of factors. A thumb-sized, green fig is a fruit that can still ripen on a tub fig in the conservatory. For semi-ripe, green fruits you can use the Accelerate fruit ripening, by using the Pinch out the fig tree. From September you can pick unripe green fruits on the fig tree and boil down to figs in syrup.


Figs do not ripen

The fig is not a post-ripening type of fruit. For this reason you cannot harvest unripe, green fruits on the fig tree and let them ripen on the windowsill. In contrast to fruits that ripen later, such as apples or bananas, figs do not produce the ripening hormone ethylene. As a result, unripe figs will rot and fall off the tree in autumn and winter if you die fruit mummies do not remove.

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