Protect apricot trees from frost

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How to protect a flowering apricot tree from frost?

In the home garden, it is best to protect the flowering apricot tree with a crown hood garden fleece before frost. A good frost protection for apricot blossoms on the trellis are reed mats. Potassium fertilization in autumn lowers the freezing point in the cell tissue of an apricot.

In the home garden you protect one flourishing Apricot tree best with garden fleece before frost. Drape the fleece over the crown once temperatures drop below freezing. These are further frost protection measures on the apricot tree:

The frost protection sprinkling of the flowers used in commercial apricot cultivation is too complex and expensive in the home garden.


Protect the apricot tree in the bucket from frost

As a container plant, an apricot tree is only partially hardy. From – 5° Celsius the root ball can in the bucket freeze to death In frost-free winter quarters, the tree is best protected from frost. Outside, cover the bucket with bubble wrap, put fleece over the crown and push a block of wood under the container. A layer of straw mulch serves as frost protection on the substrate.