Tips & tricks for a good harvest

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How is the aubergine pollinated and how can you help?

Eggplants are one of them wind pollinators. In the foil tunnel(72.00€ at Amazon*) or greenhouse lacks wind movement. As a result, the flowers are only insufficiently pollinated and fewer or no fruits are formed. For a significant increase in yield, pollinate the flowers manually by gently shaking.

How are eggplants pollinated?

are eggplants wind pollinator, they need exercise to pollinate themselves. She carries both male and female genitals in one flower. It is caused by the movement of wind and insects pollination. The plant does not care whether these are of natural origin or whether humans have helped something. If you natural pollination your Plant help a little manually, you should repeat this twice a week. This allows the pollen to disperse in the open flowers.

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How can I support eggplant pollination?

Are your eggplant plants in the Glasshouse, you should ensure good ventilation, not just to wick moisture outside. The plants should also be moved sufficiently during the flowering period in order to achieve good pollination.

Shake They support the plants best between 9 and 11 am when the flowers open are. However, be careful not to damage the plants. A gentle shake is enough. This mechanical intervention can significantly increase your yield.

What happens if eggplant flowers are not pollinated?

If aubergines are not pollinated, they may stop flowering no fruit form and it comes to massive crop failures. Even if the flowers are insufficiently pollinated, only deformed or very small fruits can form.


An electric toothbrush can help

Use an old electric toothbrush to pollinate the plants manually. Gently place them on the flower for about 20 seconds. The vibration simulates natural pollination. In this way, you achieve an almost 100 percent yield. However, always be careful with this method and do not injure the plant.
This trick also works for tomato plants, by the way.

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