Aubergine: remove the first flower

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Why and how do I break out the first eggplant blossom?

They should be the first bloom on your eggplant cautious at the top first junction removed. In this way you ensure that the plant puts its energy first into plant growth. This gives you a total of one richer harvest and larger fruits.

What is the benefit of removing the first eggplant bloom?

The bursting of the first flower on the aubergine plant has the advantage that the plant does not initially waste its energy on the formation of flowers. In this way, she puts more power into the entire plant growth and can develop more flowers later. More flowers mean a richer harvest for you. Overall you can make your income so clear increase. In addition, the fruit later greater.
It doesn't matter whether you grow your aubergine outdoors, in the bucket or in Glasshouse plant.

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Where and how do I remove the first bloom on the eggplant?

At the top first branch the aubergine similar to paprika, the first blossom usually develops, the so-called royal blossom. Do you want them?

breaking out, simply clip them off carefully with your fingernails, so that the plant itself is not damaged. This process probably sounds familiar to you as it is very similar to pinching side shoots. Make absolutely sure that you do not damage the main shoot under any circumstances, otherwise growth will come to an abrupt halt at this point.

What happens if I don't remove the first eggplant blossom?

Of course you can also leave the first flower standing. The aubergine plant will, however, in their hindered growth and smaller overall. This way you get the first small fruit a little earlier, but your whole one Harvest much more sparsely. If you have several plants and do not remove the king flower from part of them, you can use this for an extended one harvest period care for. Some of your plants will bear the first fruit sooner and the other plants will produce larger fruit and a little later.


Strengthen the plant properly

In order to get lots of large and healthy fruits, you should not only break out the first blossom, but also take care of an adequate supply of nutrients. To do this, give the eggplant plant a suitable one every week vegetable fertilizer.(€16.00 at Amazon*) However, make sure that the fertilizer is organic, as you will later use the fruit for your own consumption. Also, you should neither take too much nor too little fertilize.

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