The ideal plant for your balcony

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Do asters also thrive in pots?

Asters can also be in a pot on the balcony or terrace. The easy-care asters do not require much effort even in pots or tubs. The most important thing is the location and the right substrate.

Which asters are suitable for the care in the pot?

** All compact aster species are suitable for growing in pots. However, some small and medium-sized varieties look particularly harmonious. The carpet myrtle aster "Snowflurry" and the varieties of the cushion asters 'Rose Crystal', 'Sapphire' and 'Rubin' enchant with their flowers on small balconies. With larger species you have to pay attention to the stability. For the terrace, smooth leafaster "Schöne von Dietlikon" and the borage asters "Souvenirs of Alma Pötschke" and
"Barr's Blue".

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What do I have to consider with asters in pots?

Asters grow with the right soil and on suitable locationeasily in the pot. Above all, make sure that there is sufficient moisture, but avoid waterlogging.

How do asters overwinter in a pot?

Asters in pots can hibernate outdoors. Place the plants in a sheltered spot close to the house. For frosty temperatures it is better to protect the pots and plants with an insulating but air-permeable material. Fleece or jute are particularly suitable for this.


Plant partner for asters

As partners for a harmonious tub planting depend on the height of the asters. Universal for all sizes are suitable ornamental grasses, grey sacred herb and sedum.
Depending on the size of the plant and color of the flowers are gentian, heather and false myrtle also make perfect companions.