The best tips for a successful harvest

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When and how should you sow broad beans?

It is best to sow broad beans directly into the bed in heavy, calcareous soil between February and March. Sow them deep (8-12 cm) and plant 40-60 cm apart. The germination period is about 8 to 14 days.

When are broad beans sown?

Broad beans are already early in the year sown as soon as the soil can be tilled. Depending on the region, this is the case in February to March. They are relatively cold-resistant and also tolerate light ones frost. The sooner they sown be, the sooner they can usually harvested become. If they mature later in the year, they are more susceptible to bean aphid infestation. That is why broad beans are sown earlier rather than later.

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Which soils do broad beans prefer?

broad beans should in heavy, calcareous soil be sown. Avoid hitting the ground just before sowing fresh to fertilize, as this could promote diseases. Fertilization is generally not necessary because beans are weak consumers, which even have a fertilizing function themselves: they bring nitrogen from the air into the soil.

How are broad beans grown?

When preferring the broad beans, it is best to proceed as follows:

  • Start pulling forward end of January.
  • Soak the seeds in water for several hours before sowing.
  • Complete small seed trays with soil, is most suitable potting soil.
  • Press a hole in each seed tray with your finger.
  • Place a seed in each hole and cover with soil.
  • Water your freshly seeded broad beans.
  • After about four weeks, the seedlings can into the open air be set.

How are broad beans sown in the bed?

The broad beans are at a distance of 10 to 20 centimeters placed in a row, the planting distance should be approx 40 to 60 centimeters be. Broad beans are sown deep, the planting hole should be about eight to twelve centimeters deep. Depending on the region and the weather, the broad beans can be planted outdoors from February or March.

How long does broad bean take to germinate after sowing?

The germination time of broad beans is approximately after sowing 8 to 14 days. This is also the case with low germination temperatures from 5 °C.


Observe crop rotation

Broad beans exhibit a so-called self-incompatibility. This means that they should not be planted in the same spot in consecutive years. A break in cultivation of three to five years is ideal.

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