Tips for caring for your Echinacea

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Why is mine coneflower dried up in autumn?
A dried up coneflower is normal in autumn, as the above-ground parts of the plant die off and sprout again in spring. Care includes cutting off dried flowers, Fertilize with compost, watering when dry and checking for pests or diseases.

Does the coneflower dry up naturally in autumn?

It belongs to naturalvegetation cyclethat the coneflower after his heyday gradually dried up in autumn. The parts of the plant above the ground die off, but the roots remain alive underground. Echinacea is a perennial shrub that sprout again in spring.

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  • Plant Echinacea
  • Coneflower cut flower
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Should you cut off the dried flowers of the coneflower?

Dry flowers should be cleaned regularly in summer cut offto prolong flowering. However, if the coneflower has dried up in autumn, the days are cool and the chance of new flowers is almost zero, you should not be too hasty. In the best-case scenario, the dried-up parts of the plant should be left standing until spring. They serve as a shelter for insects during the winter. In the spring, the pruning is done close to the ground, shortly before the perennials sprout.

Does the dried-up coneflower need care in autumn?

As soon as the coneflower has dried up in autumn, it can be dug up and divided become. So it can be multiplied in no time.

In addition, now is the right time to compost the coneflowers fertilize. The nutrients from the compost are available to the coneflowers until the next flowering season.

Can the coneflower dry up due to lack of water?

It is unusual, but with extreme or prolonged drought can dry up the coneflower. It usually tolerates drought well. But this is quickly at the expense of the flowers. Later they dry up too leaves. Be sure to water it when it doesn't rain.

Can coneflowers dry up due to diseases?

Diseases too can cause the coneflower to dry up. Sometimes kicks mildew on Echinacea. This fungal disease mainly colonizes the leaves and, if left untreated, leads to them drying up after a few weeks. Since this disease occurs mainly in dark locations, you should place your coneflower in a sunny place plant.

Does the coneflower dry up due to pests?

The purple coneflower can be affected by an infestation of aphids or leaflets dry up. These parasites preferentially suck nutrients from the leaves of this perennial, causing them to dry out over time. Regular check-ups help prevent this.

Can you use the dried plant parts of the coneflower?

The dried up seed heads in autumn you can use them to get the seeds from them. Dry them and save them until next spring. Then you can use the seed to propagate the coneflower. The withered and hedgehog-like seeds of the coneflower are also suitable for attractive autumn and winter decorations, for example in the vase.


Cut back dead flowers regularly

You should regularly cut back the dried flowers of the coneflower. This stimulates the coneflower to develop new flower buds. Thus, its flowering time is extended by many weeks.

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