Are bananas and zucchini related?

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Are bananas and zucchini related?

Bananas and zucchini are not related to each other, even if the oblong fruits grow on perennials. However, the dessert bananas available in the supermarket belong to the family of Banana family (Musaceae), while zucchini is one Cultivated form of the garden pumpkin acts.

Why are bananas and zucchini berries?

Although bananas and zucchini are not related to each other, botanists classify their respective fruits as berries. Scientists use it to describe fruits whose hard-shelled seeds surrounded by fleshy pulp is. This is the case with both the banana and the zucchini, even if from the supermarket bananas meanwhile the bred seeds and the fruit is therefore sterile.

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  • banana-growing
  • banana-related-plants
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The urbanane - and many other varieties unknown to us - but contains under the thick one Peel very many, hard seeds and little pulp.

Is the banana a vegetable like the zucchini?

Bananas and zucchini are not related, but both belong to the berries - this raises the question of whether the

banana a vegetable like the zucchini or, conversely, the zucchini is a fruit? actually become Count bananas as fruit and Zucchini to vegetables, because berries can - botanically - be formed by both plant orders.

However, this is Allocation not entirely uncomplicated, because as a raw inedible plantain, the banana is used like a vegetable. In many regions of Africa, plantains are as important as potatoes are for us. Zucchini, on the other hand, also taste very good sweet as jam.


Can you eat bananas and zucchini together?

Even if bananas and zucchini are not related to each other, they harmonize very well together in one dish. A zucchini cake sweetened with bananas instead of sugar or an aromatic zucchini-banana curry are now classic.

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