The best remedies against the fungus

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How can you mildew treat and prevent on the olive tree?

With powdery mildew on the olive tree, ecological aids such as a mixture of milk and water (1:8) or baking powder, oil and water help. Preventive measures are sufficient sunlight, regulated soil moisture and loosened soil.

What must be considered in the case of powdery mildew infestation of the olive tree?

Like any other plant species, the olive tree is not immune to disease. Powdery mildew is one of the particularly insidious diseases, since in most cases it is only discovered very late. As an indication of one mildew infestation apply white or yellow spots on the leaves. If the reason for the weakening of the tree is finally revealed, the affected areas should be removed immediately and then disposed of. A targeted treatment ecological aids against fungal diseases is then urgently required.

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What remedies help when mildew attacks the olive tree?

If the olive tree has been weakened by mildew, natural remedies should be used to combat the fungus. Chemical fungicides are absolutely not necessary as the

Treatment with home remedies is considered particularly efficient. For the plant-friendly agent you only need something milk and tap water. You can mix these two ingredients in a ratio of one (milk) to eight (water) and spray on the damaged areas of the olive tree. Mixing baking soda, oil, and water is another treatment worth mentioning.

Can the olive tree be protected from powdery mildew?

Unfortunately, the olive tree cannot completely face a possible infestation of powdery mildew be preserved, yet some may preventive measures to be hit. It is particularly important that the tree receives enough sunlight. Powdery mildew spreads particularly quickly in shady areas. Furthermore, the soil moisture should be checked regularly so that no waterlogging forms. If you loosen the soil around the olive tree once or twice a year, you make a significant contribution to its preservation.


A supportive cure for the olive tree

If you want to do something good for your olive tree once a year, you can spoil it with a salt and water treatment. To do this, simply mix 15 grams of salt with one liter of water and spray the wood with it. The salt solution strengthens the tree and thus helps it to fight off annoying diseases such as powdery mildew.