Recognize and combat powdery mildew on lettuce

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how do i recognize mildew with salad?

Powdery mildew can be recognized by a white, mealy coating on the leaf surface. Downy mildew has yellow-brown spots on the upper side of the leaf. A grayish mushroom lawn can be seen on the underside of the leaf.

How can I get rid of powdery mildew on lettuce?

Powdery mildew can be removed with a home remedies combat effectively. To do this, use milk or a mixture of baking powder and canola oil for squirting. In the case of downy mildew infestation, you should first remove the affected lettuce plants from the bed. Then treat the remaining salads with a garlic decoction. At the same time, water the plants with horsetail tea.

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How can I prevent downy mildew on lettuce?

consideration of important points can you the prevent disease:

  • no nitrogenous fertilizer
  • horsetail tea as an additive to the irrigation water or as a spray solution
  • Mulch the soil thickly with quick-drying material such as straw
  • Observe plant spacing so that the leaves dry off quickly after the rain
  • Don't water the leaves, water the soil

Since downy mildew is difficult to combat, prevention is of particular importance.

Which lettuce is most susceptible to powdery mildew?

Downy mildew attacks all lettuce species of the genus Lactuca. These types include lettuce, iceberg lettuce, and pickle and romaine lettuce. The disease is caused by the fungus Bremia lactucae. The fungus occurs mainly in damp weather. Therefore, it mainly appears when the plants are cultivated in late summer or autumn.
Powdery mildew is rarely found on lettuce plants. The disease occurs only in late varieties, when there was a very dry early autumn.


Downy mildew despite resistant seeds

The powdery mildew fungus Bremia lactucae is very changeable and forms a large number of breeds. This makes it difficult to breed resistant varieties. This can lead to infection with downy mildew even in resistant seed.

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