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When can I put my fig tree outside?

As a container plant, you can use a fig tree in March put out when the temperatures at freezing point lay. A fig with fresh sprouting you should at the earliest 3° to 5° Celsius clear out and return to winter quarters when night frost is announced.

What temperatures can a fig tree tolerate in a bucket?

As a container plant, a fig tree tolerates high temperatures at freezing point. After just one night at -5° Celsius there is a fig tree in the bucket frozen to death. For this reason, a bucket fig should hibernate frost-free at a cool 5° to 8° Celsius. In regions with mild winters, hibernation outdoors is possible in a sheltered location and with extensive winter protection.

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  • Overwinter fig tree
  • Fig tree balcony
  • Fig tree in the bucket
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In terms of winter hardiness, there is a serious difference to the fig tree in the garden. Planted, hardy fig varieties tolerate temperatures down to -20° Celsius. Young shoots can freeze back without the fig tree dies.

When can a fig go outside from its winter quarters?

You can have a fig tree in a bucket in March put out. This point in time has its pitfalls. Decisive criteria for the optimal choice of date are the local climate and the progress of the budding on the fig tree. This is something to keep in mind if you have one Fig in the bucket put out:

  • fig without sprouting clear out at temperatures just above freezing.
  • Put the figs outside with young shoots, even if the temperature does not drop below 3° to 5° Celsius at night.
  • Put the fig tree back in when the night frost is announced.
  • Important: acclimatize for 14 days in a shady location outdoors.


Overwinter the fig tree outdoors with winter protection

You can cultivate hardy fig varieties in Germany as a fig tree in the garden. A good winter protection protects the fig outdoors frost damage. It is best to put a fleece hood over the crown and wrap the trunk with jute. In front of the fig tree at the housewall put a brushwood mat. The tree discmulch them with leaves or straw and spruce branches.