What color is the gorse?
The gorse shows its attractive flowers in different colors like yellow, orange, pink, red and white. Some cultivars, notably broom broom, also present bicolored flowers. The color splendor is intensely bright and a matter of taste.
What color is gorse the prettiest?
Of course, it is not possible to say in general which flower color suits the gorse best. Ultimately it is one purely a matter of taste. Here are the most important color variants of the different gorse species at a glance:
- Yellow
- Orange
- Pink
- Red
- White
also read
They are all a real feast for the eyes. Incidentally, you also have an appealing variety to choose from within the color groups as far as the exact tone is concerned. They have one thing in common intense luminosity.
Are there special color variants?
In addition to the monochromatic brooms are also found Varieties with bicolored flowers, for example the broom 'Andreanus splendens', which with its enchanting yellow-red flowers enthused. In general, the multicolored representatives are mainly found in the broom broom.
Is the black broom really black?
No, the black broom flowers dark yellow. The name comes from the fact that all parts of this broom species turn blackish to jet black when it dries.
That's what the dyer's broom is all about
Have you ever heard of dyer's broom, botanically Genista tinctoria? This lives up to its name because it is also used as a dye plant. If you see lemon-yellow, olive-green or olive-brown wool somewhere, it's very possible that the coloring came about with the help of the flavonoids in dyer's broom.