Combine gerbera and roses

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How do you combine gerberas and roses in the bouquet?

Gerberas and roses can be perfectly combined in a bouquet by choosing matching colored flowers and wrapping the soft stem of the gerbera with floral wire. Both flowers together symbolize love and loyalty.

How to combine gerbera and roses in a bouquet?

Of course, gerbera and roses go together in one Bunch of flowers combine and even make something special beautiful arrangements. It is important that you use the cut flowers color matching choose. You have countless possible combinations. For example, how about

  • a colorful summer bouquet
  • a one- or two-tone bouquet
  • combinations of white and colored flowers – for example red roses and white gerberas – are particularly attractive

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It is best to wrap the soft stem of the gerbera with it floral wireso that it doesn't snap off. By the way, both roses and gerberas can be used dry and use it for beautiful dried bouquets.

What is the common meaning of gerbera and roses in a bouquet?

Gerbera and roses also complement each other perfectly in terms of their importance in the language of flowers. Like the rose, the gerbera also stands for love and loyalty, which is why both liked flowers in wedding bouquets be used. Red, pink and white are particularly suitable for this sorts.

On the other hand, you should not use yellow gerberas for a wedding, because they are traditionally used funerals brought. The bright, sunny color is intended to evoke the beautiful moments that the mourners spent with the deceased.

Which flowers go well with gerberas and roses?

gerberas and roses make an attractive bouquet on their own, but the flowers combine well with others combine. Especially nice fit about

  • chrysanthemum
  • daisy
  • clove
  • tulip
  • lilac
  • freesia
  • hydrangea

You can also take a bouquet made from these flowers with you gypsophila and grasses complement what sets fresh green accents. It is also important here that the flower colors harmoniously match and you wrap soft flower stalks - such as the gerbera - with floral wire.

Can gerberas and roses be planted together in the garden?

In fact, gerbera and roses get along well also in the bed very well, given the preferences in terms of Location and care are similar. Both species prefer one sunny, warm location in loose, well-drained soil. In addition, both roses and gerberas should always be good watered and be fertilized.

The only problem with this plant combination is that most gerbera varieties not hardy and therefore have to spend the winter frost-free indoors. You can counteract this problem by using the two types together in a planter cultivate together.


Cut off faded flowers

If you cultivate gerberas in pots, you should cut off faded flower heads. In this way, you encourage the perennial to develop new flowering shoots. The same applies to roses that bloom more often, which together with gerberas ensure a long flowering period.