Is the peel edible?

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Is the skin of a fig edible?

The shell of a fig is edible. For figs in organic quality, it is advisable to eat the peel with its many vitamins and fiber. You should wash the peel before consumption. A fig with a mushy skin, on the other hand, is not edible.

Can I eat a fig with the skin on?

A fig is with her shell edible. For a fig you have grown yourself or bought in organic quality, it is even highly recommended to eat the peel as well. Beneath the skin are valuable vitamins and nutrients that Peel get lost. The fig is ready to eat in no time at all:

  • Rinse the bowl under running water.
  • Shake off the water droplets or dab with a kitchen towel.
  • Cut off the stem with a sharp knife.
  • Bite into it as you like or prepare the fig as a low-calorie fruit salad, as an accompaniment to warm dishes or chop it into yoghurt.

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Can I tell if a fig is edible by the skin?

The texture of the skin gives important clues as to whether a fig is edible. A pressure test reveals the Maturity level

. On a ripe fig, the skin gives way softly. Unripe figs are hard. If the shell feels mushy, it is fig bad.

The color of the peel is no indication of the digestibility of a fig. unripe figs are not always green. A purple fig variety is green when unripe and not edible. Green-skinned fig varieties, on the other hand, are still green when fully ripe.

Do I have to eat the peel of a fig?

It is Your decisionwhether you eat the peel of a fig or not. If you don't want to consume the skin, you can cleaning fig and enjoy. Alternatively, cut the unpeeled fig in half and spoon the pulp out.


Fresh figs - Superfood from the Mediterranean

The fig is a superlative fruit. The oldest fruit in the world was already in the hands of people in ancient times Mediterranean on the menu. Today, figs are a popular superfood. With 63 calories per 100 grams, the fig is a healthy slimmer. The juicy pulp is rich in valuable vitamins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and fiber.

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