How sensitive to frost is the dragon tree?
Dragon trees do not tolerate frost and suffer damage at temperatures below 6 degrees Celsius. Frost damage is indicated by the trunk and leaves turning brown. To avoid frost damage, the dragon tree should be moved from the balcony or terrace to the warm interior in autumn.
Can the dragon tree tolerate frost?
dragon trees cannot cope with frost. Those unsuitable for our harsh climate Plants are not hardy and take serious damage even when temperatures drop below freezing for only a short time.
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How do I recognize frost damage on the dragon tree?
Are Dragon trees exposed to the cold, trunk and leaves discolour of the dragon tree brown. The tissue structure of these parts of the plant is irreversibly destroyed and the above-ground parts of the leafy plant die off.
Can I still save my frozen dragon tree?
Sadly it is not always possibleto save a frozen dragon tree, however, it is worth trying. Depending on the severity of the frostbite, it is quite possible that the plant will push through again.
- Cut off the parts of the plant damaged by the frost with a clean cutting tool.
- Place the dracaena in a place that is at least twenty degrees warm and protected from drafts.
- Continue watering regularly once the top inches of soil feel dry.
How can frost damage occur on the dragon tree?
The dragon tree became common accidentally left on the balcony or terrace in autumn. The plants, which are quite sensitive to cold, already show frost damage if the temperature falls below six degrees for a while.
If you ventilate in winter and the Dracaena is exposed to the icy drafts, the plant also reacts with cold damage. Occasionally, these also occur with newly purchased dragon trees that were transported home from the nursery without protection during the cold season.
Dragon trees love it warm
The dragon trees, which originate from the tropics and subtropics, are very warmth-loving. Ideally, the temperature at their location is constantly between 20 and 25 degrees. This should not fall below 16 degrees even during the hibernation.