Is the Anthurium suitable for hydroponics?

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Are Anthuriums suitable for hydroponics?

Anthuriums are great for hydroponics, since as rainforest plants they prefer an even water supply. When converting from soil to hydroponics you need an inner pot, planter, water level indicator, clay granules and a healthy plant.

Is the Anthurium suitable for hydroponics?

The anthurium is at home in the warm and always humid rainforests of South America, where it grows and thrives in the light shade of the jungle giants. As a rainforest plant, the flamingo flower needs warmth, high humidity and a even water supply. The latter can be easily ensured by switching to hydroponics, especially since the species is very well suited as a hydroponic plant. But be careful: If you want to convert plants that have been cultivated in soil so far, choose specimens that are as young as possible - older ones often have a very difficult time getting used to them.

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How do you convert the flamingo flower to hydroponics?

Of course you can use different ones

Anthurium species and cultivars already available as ready-made hydroponics in stores. But existing plants can also be converted from soil to hydroponics. First of all, you need the right equipment:

  • inner pot
  • planter
  • water level indicator
  • clay granules (e.g. B. expanded clay)
  • a healthy and vigorous plant

Before converting to the granules, you should carefully free the root ball of all adhering soil. You can also clean the roots under running water. You should also let the expanded clay pebbles soak up water before planting.

Also note that no nutrient solution may be administered when repotting.

How to properly care for anthuriums in hydroponics?

Finally, place the repotted anthuriums in a bright place that is protected from drafts and away from direct sunlight. Maintain them as follows:

  • in summer approx. water once a week
  • about every two weeks in winter
  • Water level indicator tells you how much water to add
  • about every two to three weeks with special fertilizer fertilize

You should not use normal plant fertilizer for hydroponics as it contains too many nutrient salts. Instead, choose a low-dose special preparation that is tailored to the needs of hydroponic plants. You can ensure the necessary high humidity by regularly spraying the plant with a flower sprayer.


Which clay granules should you use for anthuriums?

Expanded clay pellets are available in different sizes: We recommend them for small plants with fine roots Small balls as possible, for larger specimens with thicker roots you should also use larger balls choose.

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