Alocasia curls leaves

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Why does the Alocasia curl its leaves?

Alocasia leaves often curl up due to a lack of water in the air or in the substrate. Other reasons can be root rot, lack of nutrients or too much sunlight. The cause can be identified by wilting leaves, brown leaf tips and dried-out substrate.

Why is my Alocasia curling up the leaves?

The most common cause of curled Alocasia leaves is lack of water in the air and in the substrate. The Alocasia, also known as elephant ear, comes from tropical regions with a sweaty humidity of up to 90 percent. Confronted with dry heating air, the indoor plant rolls as evaporation protection their ornamental leaves. The demanding Alocasia also acknowledges dried-out substrate with rolled-up leaves.

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An Alocasia will also curl up its leaves when the houseplant suffers from root rot, nutrient deficiencies, or is exposed to too much sunlight.

How can I distinguish the causes of curled Alocasia leaves?

withered leaves, brown leaf tips and up to 5 cm deep

dried out substrate are meaningful indications of lack of water as the most common cause of curled up Alocasia leaves. Other triggers for the problem of curling sheets can be recognized by these clues:

  • Symptoms of root rot: yellowish-brown leaf edges, sagging, yellow leaves, foul smell, wet substrate.
  • Symptoms of nutrient deficiency: yellow leaf veins, pale colors, growth depression.
  • symptoms sunburn: yellowish, brown and black leaf spots where sunlight strikes the leaves.

What can I do if an Alocasia is curling its leaves?

Best immediate measures to combat lack of water as the main cause of curled Alocasia leaves are: Dip root ball and sprinkle leaves with soft rainwater. Henceforth pour this elephant ear so regularly that the root ball cannot dry out.

If you have identified root rot as the cause of rolled-up leaves, you should repot the alocasia promptly. Before planting the potted root ball, please cut off any rotten roots. weekly Fertilize with a green plant fertilizer creates a remedy against nutrient deficiency. A change of location in the penumbra with five hours of sunlight a day effectively prevents sunburn.


Alocasia is poisonous

Before you join the rescue dedicate to an Alocasia, you should arm yourself with gloves. All plant parts of an alocasia are light poisonous. Direct skin contact with the milky sap causes painful skin irritation. After intentional or unintentional consumption, nausea and vomiting are reported. The highest concentration of poison is contained in the seeds. For this reason, flower stalks should be cut off, especially since each one Alocasia flower smells bad.