Angel trumpets ruffle their leaves

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What to do with curled angel's trumpet leaves?

Curled leaves on an angel's trumpet can be caused by cold, drought stress, or pest infestation. Protect the plant from the cold, water regularly with tap water, and control pests with soft soap solution to fix the problem.

What to do if angel trumpet leaves curl

Solving the problem of curled angel's trumpet leaves consists of two stages. The first step is to determine the cause. Adequate countermeasures follow in the second step. First of all, please put the general conditions at the location and the maintenance to the test. The following overview sums up the three most common causes of damage. You can read more detailed explanations of tried-and-tested solutions in the other sections.

  • Cold makes the angel's trumpet leaves curl.
  • In the event of drought stress, the leaves curl up.
  • Brugmansia react to pest infestation by curling up their leaves.

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How to protect the angel's trumpet from the cold?

Angel trumpets do not tolerate anyone

frost. The magnificent ornamental trees come from South America. Far away from their subtropical home regions, Brugmansia shiver as soon as the thermometer falls below 10 degrees. Clearing out too early in spring or putting away too late in autumn will give the frost-sensitive angel's trumpet ruffled leaves.

In spring you are on the safe side if you clear out your angel's trumpet in the second half of May. A minimum-maximum thermometer is suitable for determining the date for clearing in autumn. The lowest temperature of the previous night can be read on the scale.

What to do when the leaves curl due to drought stress?

Regular watering covers the high water consumption of thirsty angel's trumpets. Under the influence of summer heat and warm winds, the soil in the bucket can dry out very quickly. The plants signal the drought stress with curled leaves. A finger test eliminates any doubts about the dried-out substrate. This is what to do now:

Fill a vat with water. Place the bucket in the water until no more air bubbles rise. Lift the jar out of the water and let it drain on a wire rack. If the immersion bath fails due to the weight of the angel's trumpet, please pour penetratingly. The measure is successful if the curled leaves smooth out within an hour.

How do I fight pests on an angel's trumpet?

aphids and spider mites don't care about the toxic ingredients of an angel's trumpet. The pests unscrupulously colonize the leaves in order to suck on the cell sap. Typical symptoms of infestation are speckles, curled leaf edges and ruffled leaves. With these home remedies you can fight aphids and spider mites on the angel's trumpet:

  • In the first step, shower the leaves vigorously.
  • Second, spray all the tops and bottoms of the leaves with soft soap solution.
  • Add 30-40 ml to 1 liter of water soft soap(€21.00 at Amazon*) and 1 tbsp of spirit.
  • Repeat the treatment every two to three days until there are no more pests to be found.


Do not water angel's trumpet with rainwater

Angel's Trumpets have an aversion to rainwater. In this respect, Brugmansia differ from most tropical ornamental and container plants. In fact, an angel's trumpet consumes lime. If irrigation water does not deliver lime, there will be deficiency symptoms. The pH of the substrate drops so much that the supply of nutrients comes to a standstill. For this reason, please water your angel's trumpet mainly with normal tap water.