How can I get eggplant seeds myself?
Eggplant seeds are obtained from the fully ripe fruit. Select a varietal fruit, cut into quarters and separate the seeds from the pulp. Clean the seeds under running water and dry them.
Which plants to choose for eggplant seed production?
Choose only seed-bearing eggplant plants that grown healthy and strong are. The plants should also show good growth, be evenly grown, numerous blossoms formed and hung richly with fruit. In addition, plants that are particularly cold-tolerant are to be preferred. In order to obtain seeds that are as pure as possible, you should select fruits that are typical of the variety in terms of shape, color and taste. You can also choose fruit without bitter substances and a delicate skin. Do not use fruit from diseased plants.
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What fruits to choose for eggplant seed production?
Fully ripe eggplant fruits will soften and turn yellow or brown. If the fruits on the plant were not able to ripen sufficiently, you can also store them in a warm place
mature permit. Select for seed collection only well ripened fruit. However, you can still not ferment.What is the easiest way to get a lot of eggplant seeds?
Cut the eggplant fruit after the harvest into pieces and place in a bowl of water. Blend the mixture with a blender short. Skim off the flesh and skin that floats to the top. The seeds should now be cleaned in the sieve under running water. Dry the seeds in a dry, warm and ventilated place in a maximum of two days.
How to store dried eggplant seeds until sowing?
Store the finished seeds in small bags. The seeds must completely dried be. Label the bags with the species and variety names as well as the year of harvest. To safely destroy larvae and parasites, you can use the ready seed put in the freezer for a few days. Eggplant seeds are viable for at least 3 to 6 years.
Why should I collect the eggplant seeds myself?
Obtaining your own seeds has several advantages:
- It costs almost nothing, except for your own workload, which is small.
- You are independent of the current market and do not have to seed varieties take what is offered to you.
Dry a small amount of eggplant seeds in the coffee filter
If you want to dry some seeds for your own cultivation, a coffee filter bag will help. Put a maximum of one teaspoon of seeds in a bag. Hang the filter bag on the clothesline in a dry and airy place in the shade.