The perfect flower for sunny locations?

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contract dahlias a lot of sun?

Dahlias prefer a sunny location as they are native to Central America and need full sun and warmth to grow. Too shady locations can lead to delayed budding, fewer flowers and an increased risk of disease.

Is a sunny spot the best choice for dahlias?

For dahlias, a sunny location is the best best choice. They originally come from Central America and have been able to adapt to the climatic conditions there. This means that full sun and warmth are not a problem for dahlias, but are even important for them to be able to grow properly. You should therefore, if possible, put these sun worshipers in a full sun and at the same time sheltered place plant. Standing in the sunshine from dawn to dusk is a blessing for dahlias.

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Why is the sun so important for dahlias?

On a shady Location it would be too cool for the tubers underground and they would be delayed or not at all cast out. In addition, a location that is too dark would have a detrimental effect on the growth as well as the number of blossoms and affect their color.

Also the overall vitality of dahlia could suffer. Therefore, in the shade, the risk of diseases is higher, and under others mildew would have an easy time. If the soil is also damp, the tubers could rot.

How much sun can dahlias tolerate?

Usually dahlias tolerate much Sun. However, if it is very hot and dry in summer and the dahlias also suffer from a lack of water, there is a problem There is a risk that their leaves will droop, the flowers will fade and pests and diseases will damage the plant haunt. Therefore, make sure that the dahlias are sufficiently supplied with irrigation water. But be careful: Pour Don't worry about the flowers or leaves!

Is it advisable to mulch dahlias in the sun?

Dahlias should not equipped with mulching material. Although that mulching benefits many other plants. It could damage the dahlias. On the one hand, if the soil is too wet, the tubers could rot faster and, on the other hand, the dahlias will then for snails and voles more interesting. The mulch material attracts these animals and they like to eat the leaves or grass. Fed up with tubers.


Protect the tubers from the sun

Planted dahlias like full sun. But their tubers do not cope well with the sun. They should therefore be placed deep enough in the ground and overwintered in a dark place after digging up.