Can an apple tree bear multiple apple varieties?

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Can an apple tree be several apple varieties carry?

If several apple varieties on one base are grafted, different apple varieties thrive on an apple tree. The fruits also ripen one after the other, so you can enjoy apples straight from the tree from late summer to autumn.

What is special about a family apple tree?

These fruit trees grow up to five or even six apple varieties at a tree. This requires a special finishing technique.

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When growing multi-fruited apple trees, a seedling is shortened about 50 centimeters above the ground and the scions are grafted on to the side. The roots and trunk of the rootstock supply the grafted side branches that form the crown. These fruit trees are also visually very attractive due to the different colors of the fruit.

What Are the Benefits of a Multifruit Apple Tree?

The multifruit apple tree is constructed in such a way that the combined varieties directly one bring suitable pollinators.

In addition, the family trees offer other advantages:

  • In many gardens there is not enough space for two or three apple varieties. A multifruit apple tree offers both apples that are suitable for immediate consumption as well as varieties that can be stored well.
  • The apple varieties are harvested at different times, so you can nibble fruit straight from the tree from summer to autumn.

Does an apple tree with several varieties have to be cared for differently?

The Care of the multi-fruited apple tree does not differ from that of apple trees bearing only one variety.

  • Plant the fruit tree in a sunny location and give it enough space.
  • Watch out when pruning Be careful never to clip the branches below the grafting point.
  • Water the wood during longer periods of drought and ensure that the nutrient requirements of the family tree are optimally covered with balanced fertilization.

How Tall Does a Multifruit Apple Tree Get?

The height and crown diameter of these fruit trees, like any other apple tree, depending on whether they are on a weak-growing or medium-growing rootstock were refined. That is why there is also a large selection of apple trees for small gardens, which bear several apple varieties.


Finding the perfect family apple tree

Since these shrubs score with the most diverse combinations of varieties, you should consider which flavors you prefer before you buy them. It is also important whether you want to enjoy all the apples fresh from the tree or whether you want to store them and preserve them.

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