Multiply clematis in a glass of water

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How can you clematis multiply in a glass of water?
To one clematis To propagate in a glass of water, cut off strong shoots between June and August and lightly score the bark. Remove the lower leaves and put them in the glass of water rooting powder and change the water regularly. After 2-4 weeks rooting, plant them in soil.

When can a clematis be propagated in a glass of water?

Depending on when the clematis shoots are mature, they can usually be between June and August preferably increased become. Then the ambient temperatures are also right for rooting.

also read

  • Clematis offshoot
  • clematis-propagate
  • clematis cuttings
  • Sow clematis
  • Clematis seeds
  • Clematis roots
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The shoots of Clematis montana and alpina mature faster and can be pruned as early as May. The shoots of Clematis vitalba and viticella should not be removed until June for water glass propagation.

What are the requirements for propagating clematis?

Besides the right timing are strong shoots asked. It is best to have several half-ripe shoots of clematis. If they are too old or too fresh, they form less well or none at all

root. Furthermore, you should exclusively healthy Use mother plants for propagation, otherwise diseases could be passed on to the daughter plants.

How to cut the shoots of clematis for propagation?

The future ones Clematis offshoots should 20 cm be long and become with one secateurs separated. Cut Cut off the respective shoots between the leaf nodes. Ideally, the cutting edge is slightly slanted, as this makes it easier for roots to form.

What should you do before the clematis gets into the water glass?

Before the shoots of the clematis are put into the glass of water, the bark on the cut edge should be slightly scratched become. In addition, the lower leaves separated. Two top sheets are enough. A tall water glass is then filled halfway with lukewarm water. Put in some rooting powder.

Where and how long does the clematis shoot have to stay in the water?

The place for rooting should be 20 to 25 °C warm, bright, but not sunny. A place by the window for the water glass with the sprouts is ideal. After two to four weeks roots should have formed. But beware: You should change the water regularly in between to prevent rot and algae formation.

What is done after rooting the clematis scion?

When the first long roots have formed, the offshoot should be planted in a pot with soil be planted (caution: sensitive roots). The shoot can be attached using a bamboo stick. It forms the first climbing aid of this climbing plant for the coming weeks.

It is crucial to keep the substrate moist and for the pot a Location in the penumbra to choose. At home, the young plant can finally hibernate frost-free in order to be planted out in the coming spring.


Cut multiple shoots to increase success

Since the propagation of clematis in a glass of water is sometimes less successful than the propagation of cuttings and sinkers, it is advisable to cut off several shoots. This increases the chance of at least one rooting.

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